Curriculum Vitae

1981 to 1987

Studying law at the University of Mannheim

December 1986

First bar exam

1987 to 1990

Legal clerkship

January 1990

Second bar exam

1990 to 1993

Member of the academic staff of the chair for pulic law and public international law of the former judge at the German constitutional court Professor Dr. Helmut Steinberger; Juristisches Seminar of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

August 1993

doctorial dissertation

1993 to 1999

assistant lecturer at the chair of Professor Dr. Helmut Steinberger

December 1995

Win of the Ruprecht-Karls-Award for the dissertation: “Protection from end-of-stay decisions in abroad countries”

February 1996

Bestowment of the state's teaching award to the University of Heidelberg with the group of tutors running a program to shorten the duration of studying law

July 1999

postdoctoral lecture qualification; venia legendi for the subjects state and administratice law, public international law, european law and comparative law

winter term 1999 / 2000

Substitute at the chair for public law at the University of Heidelberg

February 2000

Offer to take over the chair for public law and legal philosophy at the University of Mannheim

As of April 2000

Substitute at the chair for public law and legal philosophy at the University of Mannehim

07. June 2000

Appointment as a university professor

Since 2001

assistant commissioner for the (exclusively english) program “Master of Comparative Law”

winter term 2002 until
October 2006

Dean of the faculty of law at the University of Mannheim(as of december 2005 faculty of law and economics)

Since December 2002

Assistant member of the ethics comittee of the medical faculty at the University of Heidelberg

Since the winter term 2005 / 2006

Member of the commission to further equal opportunities for women in academic studies, research and teaching

February 2005

Visiting Professor for German Law, University College London, Institute of Global Law, GB

May 2007

Visiting Professor for German Law, University College London, Institute of Global Law, GB

Since June 2007

Liaison professor of the Konrad-Adenauer-foundation and leader of two scholarship groups at the University of Mannheim

Since spring 2008

Commissioner of the faculty of law and economics of the University of Mannheim for the program „Master of Comparative Law (Mannheim / Adelaide)“

January / February 2009

Visiting Professor, University of Connecticut School of Law, Hartford, Ct., USA

October 2009

Professeur invité at the University of Toulouse I Capitole, Toulouse, France