Curriculum Vitae
1981 to 1987 | Studying law at the University of Mannheim |
December 1986 | First bar exam |
1987 to 1990 | Legal clerkship |
January 1990 | Second bar exam |
1990 to 1993 | Member of the academic staff of the chair for pulic law and public international law of the former judge at the German constitutional court Professor Dr. Helmut Steinberger; Juristisches Seminar of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg |
August 1993 | doctorial dissertation |
1993 to 1999 | assistant lecturer at the chair of Professor Dr. Helmut Steinberger |
December 1995 | Win of the Ruprecht-Karls-Award for the dissertation: “Protection from end-of-stay decisions in abroad countries” |
February 1996 | Bestowment of the state's teaching award to the University of Heidelberg with the group of tutors running a program to shorten the duration of studying law |
July 1999 | postdoctoral lecture qualification; venia legendi for the subjects state and administratice law, public international law, european law and comparative law |
winter term 1999 / 2000 | Substitute at the chair for public law at the University of Heidelberg |
February 2000 | Offer to take over the chair for public law and legal philosophy at the University of Mannheim |
As of April 2000 | Substitute at the chair for public law and legal philosophy at the University of Mannehim |
07. June 2000 | Appointment as a university professor |
Since 2001 | assistant commissioner for the (exclusively english) program “Master of Comparative Law” |
winter term 2002 until | Dean of the faculty of law at the University of Mannheim(as of december 2005 faculty of law and economics) |
Since December 2002 | Assistant member of the ethics comittee of the medical faculty at the University of Heidelberg |
Since the winter term 2005 / 2006 | Member of the commission to further equal opportunities for women in academic studies, research and teaching |
February 2005 | Visiting Professor for German Law, University College London, Institute of Global Law, GB |
May 2007 | Visiting Professor for German Law, University College London, Institute of Global Law, GB |
Since June 2007 | Liaison professor of the Konrad-Adenauer-foundation and leader of two scholarship groups at the University of Mannheim |
Since spring 2008 | Commissioner of the faculty of law and economics of the University of Mannheim for the program „Master of Comparative Law (Mannheim / Adelaide)“ |
January / February 2009 | Visiting Professor, University of Connecticut School of Law, Hartford, Ct., USA |
October 2009 | Professeur invité at the University of Toulouse I Capitole, Toulouse, France |