
Liability Law

Instructor Dr. Conrad Waldkirch
Type Lecture
Date Friday, 08:30 – 10:00 am
Room A3 and online via Zoom
Term 1st Semester
Prerequisites None
Semester hours 2
Language German
Description The lecture introduces the non-contractual liability for damages by means of current examples. The basis of liability (what is liability for and how are the relevant provisions to be interpreted?) and the consequences of liability (which items of damage are compensated and to what extent?) are explained. The lecture wants to encourage students to think about basic questions of liability law (e.g. punishment as a permissible purpose of liability) and to solve problem cases (e.g. compensation for chances of winning or shock damage, handling of press offences) in a way that is in the best public interest.
Recommended reading Brand, Schadensersatzrecht; Looschelders, Schuldrecht BT

The lecture slides are available on Ilias