Focus Area Courses

Private Insurance Law I

Instructor Prof. Dr. Oliver Brand, LL.M. (Cambridge)
Type Lecture
Date Thursday, 3:30 – 5:00 pm
Place EW 242
Term 4th semester
Semester hours 2
Language German
Description The lecture deals with insurance contract law. Insurance contract law contains the regulations under the law of obligations for insurance contracts. It also includes the law of insurance mediation. The central legal source is the Insurance Contract Act (VVG). The VVG of 1908 was fundamentally reformed for the first time by the Act on the Reform of Insurance Contract Law, which came into force on 1 January 2008. The lecture concentrates on the general part of insurance contract law and the references to civil law. From the areas of health, life and non-life insurance, typical problem areas of special insurance contract law are also examined.
Literature Wandt, Versicherungsrecht, 6th edition Munich 2016 (German)

Private Insurance Law II

Instructor Dr. Conrad Waldkirch
Type Lecture
Date Tuesday, 1:45 – 3:15 pm
Room EW 242 and online via Zoom
Term 5th Semester
Semester hours 2
Language German
Prerequisites Private Insurance Law I
Description The lecture is divided into three parts. First of all, the special insurance contract law is examined on the basis of the practically important segments of liability, life and health insurance. Subsequently, the European and international dimension of insurance contract law comes into focus (conflict of laws of insurance contracts and uniform law). Finally, it deals with the basic features of insurance company and supervisory law. Small simulations are intended to make questions of particular practical relevance comprehensible and raise awareness of various possible solutions.
Recommended Readings Wandt, Versicherungsrecht, 6th edition Munich 2016