
International Coordinators at the Department of Law

We are out of office until the 31st of July. The online consultation hour without prior appointment is not taking place until then. Urgent things will be handled, so please send us an email. Thank you for understanding! 

Happy summer holidays!


Dear students,

we answer all your law related academic questions regarding your semester abroad.  

We offer online consultation via Skype on Wednesdays 14.30–15.30 and Thursdays 14.30–15.30.

Just add us on skype with the following name and you can join without an appointment:

UM Auslandskoordination Jura

Or alternatively, send us an E-Mail with your phone number at and we will call you as soon as possible. 

All E-Mails will be answered, but please give us up to a week time. Due to the high amount of E-Mails we cannot answer within one day. If you do not hear back for more than two weeks, it means that something went wrong and we did not receive your E-Mail.

Face to face appointments possible only with arrangement via email before hand.

Thank you for understanding!

General Contact Details:

Schloss Westflügel, Room W 219
68169, Mannheim

+49 621 181-1307


We are also now on Instagram


  • For students

    • Advice to incoming and outgoing students
    • Selection and approval of courses (Learning Agreements)
    • Recognition of credits from study abroad
    • Advice on the Toulouse double degree
    • Advice on the CIEL program 
  • For staff members

    • Discussing cooperation possibilities with partner universities
    • Assisting visiting scholars
    • Contact persons for the Teaching Mobility program and research trips

Our Team

Dr. Elisa Berdica

Manager International Affairs

Room: W 219 – Mornings Homeoffice / Afternoons Present
Phone: +49 621 181-1307

Fax: +49 621 181-1318

English, German, Italian, Spanish, Albanian

International Office

If you need general information on going abroad, for example which partner universities you can choose from if you want to study in another country or which options you have to complete an internship abroad, please contact our colleagues from the International Office!

The international coordinators at the Department of Law can provide you with specific information applicable to law students only.