Public Law as a Minor
Legal aspects of examinations
All students taking Public Law as a minor must observe the respective examination regulations of their major. Resulting from this, certain general provisions also apply to your minor.
“(1) The Study and Examination Regulations [as of fall semester 2014–15] govern the minor in Public Law within the framework of the following programs of study at the University of Mannheim: bachelor’s program in Political Science (B.A.), bachelor’s program in Sociology (B.A.), bachelor’s program in English and American Studies (B.A.), bachelor’s program in German Studies (B.A.), bachelor’s program in History (B.A.), and bachelor’s program in Media and Communication Studies. (2) If no deviating rules have been established within the framework of these regulations, the respective study and examination regulations of the student’s major apply to his or her minor in Public Law.”
- Studienbeginn ab HWS 2014: Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für das Beifach Öffentliches Recht der Abteilung Rechtswissenschaften der Universität Mannheim ( PDF , 31 KB )
- Studienbeginn ab HWS 2012: Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für das Beifach Öffentliches Recht der Abteilung Rechtswissenschaften der Universität Mannheim ( PDF , 28 KB )
- Studienbeginn vor HWS 2012: Ergänzende Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für das Beifach öffentliches Recht in den Studiengängen Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Politikwissenschaft und Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Soziologie ( PDF , 104 KB )
II. Registration for Courses
For lectures in the minor in Public Law, you just need to indicate in Portal² that you are taking them. You only need to formally register via Portal² for the study groups (AGs) at the Department of Law.
III. Completion of coursework and examinations
Students can only complete coursework and/
IV. Recognition of coursework and examinations
For the recognition of coursework and examinations completed abroad or as part of previous studies or training, please contact the examination committee responsible for your major.
V. Program managers
For further questions on studying Law as a minor, please refer to the program managers at the Department of Law. For all other questions, please contact the academic advising team responsible for your major.