
Arndt, Hans-Wolfgang, Prof.

Public Law and Tax Law

Burkhardt, Björn, Prof.

Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Criminal Economic Law

Cremer, Hans-Joachim, Prof. Dr.

Public Law and Legal Philosophy

Geisler, Werner, Prof., Dip.Law (Oxon)

Auxiliary Professor (außerplanmäßiger Professor) of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, and Criminology

Kuhlen, Lothar, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.Senior Professor; Criminal Law and Criminology, Economic and Environmental Criminal Law

Riedel, Eibe, Prof.

German and Comparative Public Law, European and International Law
Schloss Westflügel, Room W 127
Phone: +49 621 181-1417

Schenke, Wolf-Rüdiger, Prof.

Public Law

Schindler, Karl-Heinz, Prof.

Private Law and Roman Law

Spieß, Pirmin, Prof.

Private Law, German Legal History, and Recent History of Private Law

Taupitz, Jochen, Prof. Dr.

Senior Professor; Private Law, Law of Civil Procedure, Private International Law and Comparative Law

Wiese, Günther, Prof.

Private Law, Labor Law, and Commercial Law

Wolter, Jürgen, Prof.

Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, and Legal Theory