The Mannheim Vis Moot Team distinguished itself as the winner of a total of four Pre-Moots (12th Indian Vis Pre-Moot, Sri Lanka Pre-Moot 2022, 14th Annual Prague Pre-Moot 2022, XIV Belgrade Open Pre-Moot 2022) in preparation for the final rounds in Hong Kong and Vienna. In Hong Kong, our team reached the Round of 16 for the first time; furthermore, all three speakers were honoured with an Honourable Mention as Best Individual Oralist – first time for Mannheim! In Vienna, the team also reached the elimination rounds, but was beaten in a very close and absolutely eye-to-eye duel against the later winner of the Vis Moot Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. Overall, our team won the following awards in Hong Kong and Vienna:
Eric E. Bergsten Award (Team Orals) | Honourable Mention – Achtelfinale in Hongkong (Top 16 Teams) |
David Hunter Award (Best Memorandum for Claimant) | Honourable Mention in Hongkong |
Fali Nariman Award (Best Memorandum for Respondent) | Honourable Mention in Hongkong |
Neil Kaplan Award (Best Individual Oralist) | Honourable Mention für Sophie Staron in Hongkong |
Neil Kaplan Award (Best Individual Oralist) | Honourable Mention für Jan Mehlinger in Hongkong |
Neil Kaplan Award (Best Individual Oralist) | Honourable Mention für Joachim Straub in Hongkong |
Eric E. Bergsten Award (Team Orals) | Honourable Mention – Elimination Rounds in Wien (Top 64 Teams) |
Pieter Sanders Award (Best Memorandum for Claimant) | Honourable Mention in Wien |
The Mannheim Team participated in pre-moots in Hanover, Buenos Aires, Guadalajara and Istanbul. In Hong Kong our team received an Honourable Mention for its Memorandum for Claimant.
David Hunter Award (Best Memorandum for Claimant) | Honourable Mention in Hong Kong |
Das Mannheimer Team konnte sich zunächst im Rahmen der Vorbereitung auf die Finalrunden in Hongkong und Wien als Gewinner des Helsinki Pre-Moots besonders auszeichnen. Hier obsiegte unser Team in einem spannenden Finale gegen das Vis Moot Team der Lomonossow Universität Moskau. Beim Pre-Moot in Tiflis, Georgien erreichte unser Team einen hervorragenden 3. Platz. In Wien erreichte das Team unter anderem die Elimination Rounds, schied hier jedoch in der ersten Runde in einem auf Augenhöhe geführten Duell gegen den späteren Sieger des Vis Moots West Bengal National University of Juridical Science aus. Insgesamt konnte unser Team in Hongkong und Wien folgende Auszeichnungen erringen:
David Hunter Award (Best Memorandum for Claimant) | Honourable Mention in Hongkong |
Fali Nariman Award (Best Memorandum for Respondent) | Honourable Mention in Hongkong |
Neil Kaplan Award (Best Individual Oralist) | Honourable Mention für Marcus Mohnen in Hongkong |
Eric E. Bergsten Award (Team Orals) | Honourable Mention – Elimination Rounds in Wien (Top 64 Teams) |
Martin Domke Award (Best Individual Oralists) | Honourable Mention für Ronja Wosch in Wien |
Die Liste der teilnehmenden Teams in Hongkong finden Sie hier.
Das Mannheimer Vis Moot Team hat in der mündlichen Phase im 26th Willem C. Vis Moot in Wien sensationell das Achterfinale erreicht. Damit gehörten wir zu den weltweit besten 16 von insgesamt 372 Teams, die an den mündlichen Verhandlungen teilgenommen haben. In den Elimination Rounds konnten wir uns zunächst gegen die Universität Belgrad (Round of 64) und anschließend gegen die Universität Costa Rica (Round of 32) durchsetzen. Gegen die Universität Sydney (Round of 16) war dann leider Schluss (denkbar knapp – Split Decision!!! der Schiedsrichter). Damit zählten wir auch zu den beiden erfolgreichsten deutschen Universitäten im gesamten Wettbewerb.
In Hongkong konnten wir einen sensationellen Erfolg feiern – 2. Platz in der Kategoerie Bester Klägerschriftsatz.
Außerdem konnten wir den 8th Edinburgh Pre-moot gewinnen und haben den 2. Platz beim 6th Bucharest Pre-moot belegt. In Hongkong und Wien konnte unser Team insgesamt folgende Auszeichnungen erringen:
David Hunter Award (Best Memorandum for Claimant) | 2. Platz in Hongkong |
Eric E. Bergsten Award (Team Orals) | Honourable Mention – Sechtzehntelfinale in Hongkong (Top 32 von 138 Teams) |
Neil Kaplan Award (Best Individual Oralist) | Honourable Mention für Uta Müldner in Hongkong |
Eric E. Bergsten Award (Team Orals) | Honourable Mention – Achtelfinale in Wien (Top 16 von 372 Teams) |
Werner Melis Award (Best Memorandum for Respondent) | Honourable Mention in Wien |
The Mannheim team won the Willem C. Vis Moot for the first time! They received the first prize (David Hunter Award) for the best memorandum for claimant in Hong Kong.
David Hunter Award (Best Memorandum for Claimant) | First prize in Hong Kong |
Werner Melis Award (Best Memorandum for Respondent) | Honorable mention in Vienna |
Martin Domke Award (Best Individual Oralist) | Honorable mention of Luisa Katharina Gebauer in Vienna |
The team would like to extend a special word of thanks to the sponsors for their support in the Willem C. Vis Moot.
Being among the 32 or 64 best teams respectively, the Willem C. Vis Moot team made it to the final rounds in both Hong Kong and Vienna for the first time. That year, the team also received five honorable mentions, which is an extraordinary achievement:
Pieter Sanders Award (Best Memorandum for Claimant) | Honorable mention in Vienna |
David Hunter Award (Best Memorandum for Claimant) | Honorable mention in Hong Kong |
Werner Melis Award (Best Memorandum for Respondent) | Honorable mention in Vienna |
Fali Nariman Award (Best Memorandum for Respondent) | Honorable mention in Hong Kong |
Eric Bergsten Award (Prevailing Team in Oral Arguments) | Final rounds in Vienna |
Final rounds in Hong Kong | |
Martin Domke Award (Best Individual Oralist) | Honorable mention for Chris Pflüger in Vienna |
The team would like to extend a special word of thanks to the sponsors for their support in the 24th Willem C. Vis Moot in Vienna and the 14th Willem C. Vis Moot (East) in Hong Kong:
Successful again in the third year of participation: For its memorandum for claimant, the 2015/
The team that represented the University of Mannheim at the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot 2015/
The team would like to extend a special word of thanks to the sponsors for their support in the 23rd Willem C. Vis Moot in Vienna and the 13th Willem C. Vis Moot (East) in Hong Kong:
Winning a prize in just the second year of participation: For its memorandum for claimant, the Willem C. Vis Moot team of the University of Mannheim received an honorable mention the second time the university sent a team to the competition. The team also did extraordinarily well in the oral rounds of argument in Vienna, where it faced teams from universities in Asia, Australia, and the USA. Its members not only learned a lot during the six-month intense preparation phase, but were also specially rewarded when receiving the honorable mention.
The team that represented the University of Mannheim at the 21st Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot 2013/
Professor Mary-Rose McGuire and Professor Ulrich G. Schroeter were the professors in charge.
You can find a comprehensive list of all awards here.
The team would like to extend a special word of thanks to the sponsors for their support in the 21st Willem C. Vis Moot.
The team that represented the University of Mannheim at the 20th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot 2012/
Professor Mary-Rose McGuire and Professor Ulrich G. Schroeter were the professors in charge.
The team would like to extend a special word of thanks to the sponsors for their support in the 20th Willem C. Vis Moot.
Go to the sponsors