Phase one: bachelor’s program in Business Law (LL.B.)

Integrated LL.B. and State Examination Program in Law

Program Description

Presenting the integrated program in Law (LL.B. / state examination): facts and figures, short profile, reasons for choosing the program, career prospects, application, and selection.

Program Structure

Find information on the structure of phase one of the integrated program in Law and read more or download relevant documents here.


You should be aware of the most important regulations regarding your examinations: In this section, you will find all the relevant information regarding phase one.

Mandatory Internships

In phase one, the bachelor’s program in Business Law (LL.B), students have to complete a one-month internship. Another two months have to completed in phase two, the state examination in Law.

I decided to study Law in Mannheim because it enabled me to combine Law with Business Administration. I was glad I didn’t have to decide on the direction I wanted to go in straight away. Being able to think in an interdisciplinary manner is really useful as I work as a lawyer in a corporate law firm, and have to address questions from both fields on a daily basis.

Martin Thelen, graduate of the integrated program in Law (LL.B./state examination) / Credit: Martin Thelen

Phase two: state examination

Integrated LL.B. and State Examination Program in Law

Program Structure

Right after completion of phase one, students enrolled in the integrated program in Law advance to phase two, the additional four semesters of study that are concluded with the state examination.


A number of regulations apply to examinations in phase two. We have compiled all relevant information for you.

Mandatory Internships

The integrated program in Law is subject to the Act on Lawyer Training and Examination of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (JAPrO). This requires you to complete a total of three months of mandatory internships.

Exam preparation

The exam preparation at the University of Mannheim (“Rep² and exam preparation course”) is there to support you when revising for your exams throughout the entire program by familiarizing you with the areas of law relevant for your exams.


Program Managers and Office of the Examination Committees

Program Managers and Office of the Examination Committees

Department of Law
University of Mannheim
Dean's Office of the Department of Law
Schloss Westflügel – Room W 220
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
please make an appointment by e-mail