From Mannheim Around the World and Back
The German Civil Code, the German Federal Court of Justice, the GmbH as a German legal entity – at first glance, most legal concepts seem to be country-specific. But make no mistake: Just as the companies and transactions you will be dealing with on your way to becoming a lawyer are embedded in a wider international context, the impact of the legal issues you will encounter will also be felt across borders. Getting to grips with the variety of legal systems that exist in a world where national boundaries have become increasingly blurred is an additional challenge you must overcome during your studies. But this task is also an opportunity for you to grow professionally.
The Department of Law will make it as easy for you to go abroad as possible: We offer our students the opportunity to study at one of our many partner universities in Europe as part of the Erasmus program of the European Union and worldwide in additional overseas agreements. We are constantly expanding our network of partner universities. In addition, our portfolio includes special programs such as the “European Master in Comparative, International and European Law”-Certificate (CIEL) for Master students and the “Licence en droit” (Mannheim/Toulouse) for Bachelor students.
You may find it hard to believe right now, but a stay abroad may become one of the most crucial experiences you have during your studies. We would appreciate if you took advantage of the myriad possibilities the Department of Law has to offer. We encourage you to use the information available on these pages to go out and spread the word of Mannheim’s excellence.