Photo credit: Elisa Berdica

Zertifikat Deutsches Wirtschaftsrecht − Toulouse

Are you a student at the Université Toulouse 1 Capitole and are you interested in coming to the University of Mannheim by taking part in the ERASMUS exchange program? If so, you have the unique opportunity to obtain a certificate that is the result of a special cooperation between Mannheim and Toulouse.

General information

By participating in this program and gaining experience abroad, you can distinguish yourself from other aspiring lawyers and earn the additional qualification “Zertifikat Deutsches Wirtschaftsrecht” (certificate in German business and economic law) at the University of Mannheim.

The Université Toulouse 1 Capitole and the University of Mannheim introduced this program to promote the exchange of and among students across borders and to help them gain additional skills. This additional qualification lends extra value to your law degree and has the potential to boost your career prospects both in France and in Germany. You will spend your first two years of study at your home university. Your third year will be your year abroad, which you spend at the University of Mannheim. Here, you will be able to acquire sound specialist knowledge in German private law, focusing on business and economic law. You will also be able to acquire and perfect other key competences, such as negotiation management skills. After that you will return to the University of Toulouse, where you will complete your last year of study.

While studying in Mannheim, you are still enrolled at your home university in France as a regular student and pay the corresponding tuition fees. You are simultaneously enrolled at the University of Mannheim and must pay a fee of roughly EUR 150, that is comprised of the Studierendenwerk fee and other administration fees.

If you want to take part in the program, you are required to have passed all necessary courses at your home university. You will only be issued the certificate if you have successfully completed the year of study abroad at the University of Mannheim, during which you must accumulate a total of 60 ECTS credits in courses previously defined in a degree plan.

In case this program has caught your attention, don’t hesitate to apply. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to complement your degree with an additional qualification!


Please contact your university’s International Office for information on the application process and application forms. You must apply for the program at your own university, which will assess your application and, if you are successful, nominate you for the program at our university.

Program contents

You can find the degree plan for the year abroad in Mannheim here.


International Coordinators' Office | Department of Law

International Coordinators' Office | Department of Law

University of Mannheim
Abteilung Rechtswissenschaft
Schloss Westflügel – Room W 219
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
We are currently only reachable via E-Mail. Please check updates for online consultation possibilities.