
The Department of Law will make it as easy for you to go abroad as possible, as a stay abroad may become one of the most crucial experiences you have during your studies. We would appreciate if you took advantage of the myriad possibilities the Department of Law has to offer. We encourage you to use the information available on these pages to go out and spread the word of Mannheim’s excellence.

Furthermore we are looking forward to welcoming guests from all over the world to the sunny Palatinate region! The Department offers a diverse and ever-increasing range of courses you can choose from. Whereas most of our courses, especially from our undergraduate program, are taught in German, we also offer courses in English. Facilitating a demanding, yet rewarding intellectual exchange on the key challenges of today and tomorrow is our mission.

Eine Hand hält eine kleine Weltkugel fest. Die Fingernägel sind rot lackiert. Darunter liegt das Logo der Universität Mannheim.
Information for Outgoings
Information for Incomings
Teaching and Conducting Research Abroad
International Coordinators