Borbála Német from Hungary, who is currently studying the LL.M., explains why she likes the Master's Degree in Competition Law and Regulation so much and what this is all about. By the way, we always keep our students and other interested up to date on Facebook!
Information for first-year students
Master’s Program in Competition Law and Regulation (LL.M.)
This page provides a comprehensive overview of all program-specific information relevant to first-year students enrolled in this program. Please contact our program managers if you have any questions. If you want to find out more, please check the university’s central website for general information for first-year students. Of course, you can find even more information on the program website and in our Facebook group.
The official welcome ceremony for all first-year students enrolled in the master's program in “Competition Law and Regulation”, organized by the program managers, will take place on Wednesday, 6 September 2023 from 11 a.m. to 12 a.m. It will be held in EO 169.
You can create your own course schedule after enrolment in the Degree Planner (“Studienplaner”) of the Portal², the Campus Management System of the University of Mannheim. Under Instructions and Help (“Dokumentation und Hilfe”) you will also find tips on how to do this easily.